Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The cost of free labour

I have had a lot of my former students ask me about unpaid internships and I can't tell you how much it pisses me off when an agency takes advantage of students or juniors as a means of free labour. There are so many agencies that feel quite justified in not paying for someone to come in and do work for them. In NYC, I can see where the experience of interning at an agency like Pentagram or Saatchi & Saatchi or BBDO might be valuable. In Calgary, where I lived for 30 years, there are very, very few shops that can boast internationally renowned fortune 500 clients. So where does a shop that has zero Fortune 1000 (let alone Fortune 500) clients get off thinking that they should be entitled to slave labour?

Maribeth Kradel-Weitzel, president of the AIGA Philadelphia chapter, writes an op-ed about the cost of free labour and initiated the “AIGA Philadelphia Paid Internship Pledge” in September 2010, to inform businesses about the legal requirements for internships and advocate for the fair treatment of students and designers in the workplace.

According to the US Department of Labour there are six key stipulations that must be met for unpaid status to be acceptable. The one that I believe most agencies ignore or don't realize is "The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded." That means your intern doesn't help you by becoming part of the workforce. If they do, they no longer qualify as an intern and should be paid. Period.

If you own your own shop and you're not an Ogilvy or a TBWA, I encourage you to pay your students or juniors. Even if you are, I encourage you to pay them. Yes, they're geting experience but by not paying them it also creates an unlevel playing field for those individuals that can't afford to not be paid. We all need to knock out that rent and pay our bills. A student or a junior is probably going to be in the most financially unstable demographic. If you really want to help, pay them. They'll appreciate you more, they will get more out of the experience and will likely be more inclined to recommend their experience to future generations.

Read Maribeth's article here.

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Beautiful wood cases for iPhone and iPad

Miniot makes some beautiful cases for your iPhone and iPad.



Can you deliver your Hell Pizza successfully? An interactive YouTube campaign.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Calgary, The Living West (1962)

Tourism video from '62. Lots has changed in 49 years but I can still pick out some of the old buildings like old City Hall, the Bay downtown and the old Highlander Hotel on 16th Ave. Thanks to Edwin for the link.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Paul Rand by Imaginary forces

Some words from the master

Wax Tableware Lets You Make (and Melt) Your Own Dishes

Curious concept. You can't serve anything hot with these mind you but it's a neat concept nonetheless.


Book of portraits and personal statements from over 80 brave women, who posed bare-breasted for the project in public locations across New York City. Looks like there might be some interesting insight into societal perceptions judging by the preview of the book.

Brewster’s Discovery Walkway

Sturgess Architecture have designed a glass viewing platform to cantilever over a glacial valley in the Columbian Icefields of Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada.

“Cure for the Common Font” — A Web Designer’s Introduction to Typeface Selection

Stephen Coles joined Frank Chimero, Tiffany Wardle, and Jason Santa Maria for a panel at the SXSW conference to discuss and recommend some basic principles for making wise type choices on the web.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Growth of Mobile Marketing and Tagging

mobile marketing and tagging

Where would you like to go?

DDB set up black cubes in Paris that were sort of a cross between HAL and the monolith. When passersby pushed a button on the "Escape Machines," the cube asked them where they wanted to go, and then made their dreams come true in an eruption of confetti.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New cereal boxes

Well, you know, pretty soon, we're going to go into a grocery store and everything will be blinking and flashing and serving us crumpets. Pretty soon, the most amazing packaging will be the one that doesn't do anything.

WWF Earth Hour:Moths

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saul Bass Logo Design: Then and Now

The great Saul Bass designed some of the world's iconic logos like Warner Communications, The Girl Scouts, United Way, AT&T and Avery. The average lifespan for his logos is an incredible 34 years. Here's a look at some of the logos of Saul Bass then and now.

5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience

It’s no secret that in order to build a successful website or web community you have to design with the users in mind. Of course you can’t forget about optimizing for search engines, but let’s focus on the visitors since they’re the ones who are using your site and interacting with it.

10 Things You Should Not Ignore In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Jeff Bullas outlines how digital media has changed the landscape of marketing and how companies need to change the way they think about traditional "tried and true" marketing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

The beauty of scaffolding

Have you ever noticed the beauty of scaffolding? A Tumblr called Scaffoldage has.

QR code graves

A company in Japan is building tombs with QR codes that can be scanned by your cell phone or other devices to get more information on the deceased, including pictures and video.

Design Charts for Better Typography and Color

Woohoo. All sorts of charts on type and colour.

Portfolio dos and don'ts

Tenfold collective writes about some dos and don'ts of submitting portfolios.

Five bad habits that scare off great contractors

A nice article about Five bad habits that scare off great contractors. It's a good read. I hope a lot of people that hire contractors and freelancers read it. As a freelancer, I've run into a few of these kinds of clients. And when those clients get out of hand, this article will come in handy for the freelancer/contractor.
[photo credit]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Need help with conceptualizing their ideas for digital ad campaigns and websites? Try Gridbooks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dynamic Logos

My friend Christina sent this to me this morning. It's an article about dynamic logos. By that I don't mean a physically moving one as the gif above might suggest but an identity that isn't tied down to one very cut and dried logo as we often design. This article showcases several identities including AOL, Nickelodeon and MTV amongst other brands that have very fluid identity systems. One that wasn't on the list but also the first time I really took notice of a dynamic identity was when the City of Melbourne unveiled their new brand.

Scrabble makeover

Saw this the other day and forgot to post it. A friend of mine posted it today on Facebook and reminded me I had to post it. So here it is. Andrew Capener redesigned the Scrabble board to give it a bit more of a designer flare. As a scrabble player I have to say it looks very different and pretty cool.

Sports uniforms by Hilfiger

I believe this would classify under the heading of What the H - E - double hockey sticks. ESPN asks Tommy Hilfiger to redesign some of sport's iconic teams. The results are... well, have a look.