Thursday, October 07, 2010

Gap turns to crowdsourcing?

Wow. When I first saw this when I woke up this morning (Thanks Robbie Sug), I was mindblown by just how bad the "new" Gap logo was. It appears though that the gag was on us as it was meant to stir up a lot of debate and now it looks like Gap is crowdsourcing to come up with a new identity. From my personal experience with crowdsourcing there's a high potential for something to go sideways and unfortunately some braintrusts just don't get it. Here's hoping whatever Gap winds up using it doesn't destroy a strong 20 year old brand. You never know...

Here's another article on the new brand and the hinted crowdsourcing.

Michael Grills posted this link that also addresses the new crowdsourcing tactic

1 comment:

katzw said...

"Crowdsourcing is like a box uh chocolates.. you never know what you're gunna get.. eehyuck"

I appreciate that they're trying to engage their audience, but design by committee is begging for trouble.