Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Conflict of interest?

Right, so most of you know how I feel about this whole Calgary rebranding issue. Feel free to discuss this latest development.


Teak said...

I imagine that this will get back to you Lance so feel free to comment if you feel so inclined.

Anonymous said...

Holy!.... That does reek of conflict of interest, no matter how you wrap it up!
And judging from the "camel" logo ACAD ended up with, I fear for the identity of Calgary... (WTF is a "camel" logo, you ask? A camel is a race horse designed by committee... but I digress.)
I know, timing totally negates the remote idea that the Gensler/Larson team was working towards shoving Calgary's Council with a $200K bill and some design rationale bullschmidt explaining the utmost necessity to rebrand this city by not inviting local talents (boy that's a long sentence!), but hey... what do we REALLY know?... the city's approach to not-tell-anyone-until-decision-has-been-made is nothing new. So why would a worldwide design agency and Lance would say/do otherwise... they already have the blessing of city council.
Heck, Gensler, I believe put a proposal forward for the West Village redevelopment, project spear headed by Lance... but no conflict of interest here either.... right?.. I'll shut up now.

Nancy Lowery said...

conflict or not it will be mayoral issue in the next election I know of two incumbents who think the whole thing is a crock and waste of money - so think of it as $200k down the drain....a water metaphor

funny shot of Lance looks like he's about to hive five the deal :-)

Anonymous said...

Lance is the party guest who just won't leave.