Sunday, April 30, 2006

I WON!!!

Well that was just really friggin cool. I won my first Anvil. For those of you who have no idea what an Anvil is, it's Calgary's premier graphic design award. I entered my poster from the Lest We Forget poster exhibit. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw my competition. A poster for the Calgary Stampede illustrated by a big style illustrator from the US named Michael Schwab. I reeeeeeeeeeeally like his stuff so to beat one of his pieces was a massive deal for a non-illustrator like me. So after almost missing the event cos I waited too long to get my ticket, I was bailed out by Kelly at Critical Mass and walked away at the end of the night with my 12.4 pound trophy. Thanks to everyone who congratulated me and who's kind words made for a very humbling and amazing experience.
If you'd like to see the rest of the posters from the Lest We Forget show that my poster was a part of, you can right click here to download the PDF catalogue. If you're going to view it straight up on your browser, please be patient while it loads. Thank you Alison for inviting me to participate in such an amazing show.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Teak! You deserved it!!!

lara photoer said...

Wow Teak!
You deserve this so much I have no idea how to say it!
Congratulations! An!