Sunday, January 31, 2010

iPad vs Stone

In Memory of Geoff Lloyd

Just found out Geoff Lloyd has passed away. Geoff was the bass player and one of the founding members of the Matthew Good Band. I remember the first time I saw MGB in Calgary. They played at Max's Cafe at the UofC and there were maybe 30 people there of which maaaaybe 6 or 7 people knew who they actually were. Underdogs had just been released and their first single had just hit the radio. They were about to go big time but hadn't quite yet. I got a chance to talk to Geoff at the bar and I remember he was such a nice guy. We talked about touring and how bored he would get sometimes playing the same songs over and over again and how he wanted to play the new songs they'd been working on but couldn't because they were trying to promote this album. It was a neat insight into life as an up and coming musician. I am truly sad to hear of his passing. His widow apparently just lost her mother a couple of weeks ago so I feel especially bad for her. What a tough way to start 2010.

For those of you in Vancouver, a fundraiser for Geoff’s widow is being held Sunday, February 7, 2010 at The Astoria. For more information, visit the Facebook page that has been created for the event.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fear the Leaf

Something fun for the upcoming global sporting event happening next month in British Columbia courtesy of Carter. Click on the pic above to go to the site.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adverblog: AIDS graffiti

"AIDES graffiti": great animation work against AIDS, promoting the use of condom. Maybe NSFW, but really cool, from TBWA Paris:
Adverblog: Agains AIDS, condom

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Male Pattern Baldness Post-its

This is brilliant. I wonder if you keep peeling back the pages you'd get a detailed cut away look inside the head...

House Inside a Hill

This is a pretty neat holiday villa. Check out Villa Vals

Monday, January 04, 2010

Search Engines then and now

Thought this was interesting.
I personally consider the internet to still be very much in it's infancy. I think it has the potential to do some crazy things but the current technology is limiting that potential. Still, it was interesting to see this articles on how search engines have evolved in the last little while. Have a look at search engines then and now.